Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Heart Bleeds Red and White

This weekend was ridiculous on all counts. I fell ill, had several quizzes to take, a ton of other homework to do (who knew a beginner's Japanese class would be so difficult?!?), post-surgical kittens to take care of, not to mention a house to re-arrange. So today was a day where I felt like I had no other choice but to slum it up around the house. I don't usually wear pants, but with the fever, I couldn't stay warm, so I opted for these not-quite-corduroy fuzzy cotton pants and my favorite over-sized plaid vintage shirt. 

Not to mention today was the Red Wings Hockey game of the pre-season I managed to watch on the television. 

I can't help it; I was born and raised to be a hockey fan. So every once in awhile I have to adorn myself with some swag of the team I watch with a near religious fervor.

You won't see posts like this often from me; I wouldn't have left the house in these clothes. But it's nice to know that sometimes, especially when I feel like I'm dying, I still have a grip on my roots. 

And of course, Min and River had to play Mama take her pictures!

Oversized Plaid Shirt: thrifted
Paris Blues pants: thrifted
Belt: thrifted
Sorry for the lack of shoes! Don't mind the bobby socks.

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